Saturday, December 21, 2013

How can I protect my occupants in my building from asbestos?

Exposure to airborne asbestos fibers can cause very serious health problems, including severe respiratory diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. Because the symptoms of these diseases often take anywhere from 15 to 30 years after initial exposure, it can be difficult to know whether you’ve been exposed to asbestos until you are already experiencing its harmful effects. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that the occupants of your building are not being dangerously exposed to asbestos fibers.

If there are any materials in your building that you suspect to be asbestos containing materials (ACM), check to make sure it is not damaged or deteriorating. And be very cautious not to damage or disturb any suspect ACM. Asbestos materials that are intact generally pose no danger, and are best left alone. If there is suspected ACM in your building that is damaged or deteriorated, contact an asbestos professional immediately. They can inspect your building and tell you whether the material is ACM, as well as whether it is dangerous to occupants. Remember. Just because you have ACM in your building does not mean that it must be removed. It will always depend on the condition of the material and the potential for damage or deterioration.

If you do have damaged or deteriorated ACM in your building, you should have it removed or abated as soon as possible. Improper removal or abatement of asbestos is very dangerous, and can sometimes lead to an exposure risk level higher than that caused by the damaged or deteriorated ACM. It is important that removal or abatement of ACM is performed by a reputable asbestos professional. During ACM removal, it is the responsibility of the asbestos removal company to make sure that building occupants are not dangerously exposed to asbestos. There are several precautions that an asbestos professional will take to accomplish this goal.

If you have an asbestos emergency (i.e. if previously intact ACM is suddenly damaged or disturbed), there are steps you can take to make sure building occupants are not exposed to asbestos fibers until the ACM can be removed or abated by an asbestos professional. If asbestos-containing materials are only slightly damaged and are in a low-traffic area, limiting access to the area and ensuring that the materials are not touched or disturbed may be sufficient to prevent the release of asbestos fibers temporarily. In the case of more serious damage (the damaged area is larger than the palm of your hand) it could be considered more dangerous. The area should be immediately vacated and precautions should be taken to ensure that no one enters the effected area. Absolutely do not attempt to clean up the asbestos yourself, especially not by dusting, sweeping, or vacuuming. Doing so will only disturb it further. After sealing off the area, contact a trained asbestos professional, who will either repair or remove the asbestos-containing material.

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