Unless a material is labeled as containing asbestos, you
generally cannot tell if asbestos is present simply by looking at it. In the
past, asbestos was added to many types of construction materials to strengthen,
insulate, fireproof, and soundproof. For this reason, it is difficult to
identify for certain if you have asbestos in your home or building without
first having the building tested for asbestos contamination.
The EPA suggests that you have your home inspected by a
trained and accredited asbestos professional if you suspect you may have
asbestos containing materials in your building.
The EPA also suggests that you schedule an inspection before
you begin remodeling or after your home or building experiences damage where
building materials have been disturbed. (drywall crumbling, insulation falling
apart, etc.)
Below are some images of asbestos containing material. Keep
in mind, the best way to handle any situation where you suspect asbestos may be
present is to contact a professional asbestos abatement company or asbestos
testing company.
This is just one example of floor tile made with asbestos but there are many different kinds of floor tile that contain asbestos.
Here is a sample of tiny asbestos fibers which can be inhaled and cause the deadly respiratory condition
known as mesothelioma.
This can be found in drywall and other types of
construction materials.
These two pictures show a roof covered in asbestos
containing material that was used to prevent heat loss.